Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hello Blog! :-)

There are times the mind think and ponder on things deeply.
With this I find myself writing quite a lengthy post :-)
Which is just right, really. We do need to get things out and express it.
Otherwise, we light up in flames! LOL
But in my case, I find it good for the soul.

I don't post as much there as situations like that doesn't come everyday.
And I find myself to the edge of my sit, especially when one just needs to share and write things in a lighter mood.

To feed that need, this blog is born :-) And yes, little posts it will be . . . or maybe some snippets of my other blog (the lengthy one LOL).
This way, maybe things can be more frequent then.

If, by some unexplained thing you happen to arrive in my humble abode . . .
well, hello there! Hope You pause for a few seconds and you get to enjoy too :-)


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